
GarageTool mobile iPhone app has been released.

5 min read

Long awaited features included

The first version of our mobile app has finally been released.  Your employees can now work on their jobs in the field with just an iphone or ipad.  The app will let your employees view current jobs and take pre-inspection and post-inspection photos of your vehicles.  They they can associate it to it’s job which can be viewed later in the web app.  Other features of the iphone app:

  • Circle and draw diagrams on the photo i.e. Circle dents on vehicles you are working on so aren’t held responsible for them later.
  • Make annotations and notes on photos.
  • Associate jobs to a type of vehicle.
  • Organize pictures in various albums.
  • View jobs status to see if they are being worked on or are completed.

Download it here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ooboo/id1164332630

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Written by carwrapper

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