
Car Wrap Shop Marketing

Car Wrap Marketing

Starting a car wrap business is hard, but what is even harder is growing it and marketing it. How do you bring potential customers to car wrap business and website?

There a quite a few strategies that we will discuss and you can employ here in regards to car wrap marketing. We recommend focusing on one, built it up and then going on to the next. We’re ordering them by best bang for the buck here.

1. Local SEO
2. Paid Ads/PPC
3. Email Outreach

Local SEO

Everyone wants to be able to grow their car wrap business organically. SEO especially local SEO allows you to do that. Local SEO has the best bang for the buck, especially for a car wrap business. This is because wrap businesses are pretty location dependent. For example, a person looking for a wrap who lives in Texas wouldn’t be looking for a car wrap shop in New York. Local SEO allows you to have to compete against less businesses and reach with more relevant customers.

Paid Ads/PPC

Paid Ads is good to do once your have local SEO rolling, since it could take a few months for your local SEO efforts to show results and you want to get a head start on that, while Paid Ads are immediate. Also, with SEO except for the time you put into it, SEO can be free, which gives the best ROI. It’s also good to do in combination with local SEO. I like to think of ppc/paid ads as a way to mix quality targeted traffic into organic seo traffic, like you adding sugar into tea or coffee, or the cherry on top, or icing on the cake. Need I go on?

Email Outreach

In our experience, of these 3 marketing methods, email outreach is probably the hardest for the car wrap industry. So I would make sure I get a good amount of maturity out of my other marketing efforts and then try email marketing. This is because there are a lot more factors needed in order to have a successful of email launch/campaign including your messaging and timing. First is getting your email list, and not only an email list of random people, but potentials leads and customers who would be interested in a car wrap. This could be businesses or customers who have gotten car wraps in the past and could refer you to other potential customers. After that, your messaging needs to be on point, starting off with the subject line.  It needs to be interesting enough and resonate with your audience enough for them to actually open the email.  Finally your email needs to be enticing enough for the customer to want to click on it to go to your car wrap site.

Once you get traffic to your car wrap website, it’s about getting to potential car wrap customers to want your vehicle wrap services.

Anyways, we have a couple other different tools that you can use to manage your leads and nurture them.

Our leads form allows you to collect your potential customer info and save it into GarageTool. From their, you our various members of your team are able to review what type of vehicle they are wanting to wrap, what type of wrap they are interested, etc. You and your employees can go in and make adjustments as needed.

From there, our photo gallery allows you to show case your various car wrap designs and work. You can share photos with potential customers via email or a shareable link.

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Written by carwrapper

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